Pile Static Load Test
Pile Integrity Test
Pile Dynamic Test

Pile Lateral Load Test
Pile Pullout Test
Stone Column Load Test

Soil Plate Load Test
Field CBR (California Bearing Ratio)
Modulus of Sub-grade Reaction (K-Value)

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Cast In Situ Footing Load Test
Evaluates the load-bearing capacity of cast-in-place footings.
Useful to verify the safe settlement of structure having open foundation under the verticle load.
Pile Static Load Test
Applies a static load to a pile to determine its load-carrying capacity and settlement.
Pile Pullout Test
Determines the uplift resistance of piles. the load-bearing capacity of cast-in-place footings.
Soil Plate Load Test
Measures the bearing capacity and settlement of soil under a rigid plate.
Pile Integrity
To assess the continuity and necking and change of pile material.
Cyclic Pile Vertical Load Test
Applies a Cyclic load to a pile to determine its load-carrying capacity and settlement.
Contribution of point load and skin friction of pile for load carrying capacity.
Stone Column Load Test
Tests the load bearing capacity of stone columns used for ground improvement.
Field CBR (California Bearing Ratio)
Measures the strength of soil for pavement design.
Pile Dynamic
Uses dynamic measurements during pile driving to estimate pile capacity.
Pile Lateral
Tests the lateral load bearing capacity of piles.
Cyclic Plate Load Test
Measures the bearing capacity and settlement of soil under a rigid plate under cyclic loads.
Modulus of Sub-grade Reaction (K-Value)
Determines the stiffness of soil, used for designing foundations and pavements.