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Global Lab, is a leading provider of comprehensive chemical testing services for construction materials. Our state-of-the-art laboratory and expert professionals ensure that your materials meet the highest standards. We offer a wide range of testing services covering cement, fly ash, aggregates, and admixtures. Our rigorous testing procedures provide quality assurance, safety compliance, and performance evaluation for your materials. We help identify and solve any issues, delivering reliable results with quick turnaround time. Trust Global lab for accurate and dependable chemical testing to ensure the quality, safety, and compliance of your construction materials. Contact us today 18003092996

ProductTest ParametersSpecification/ Test MethodMin Specimen/Sample
CementChemical Test- OPC,PPC, PSCIS 269, IS 1489 P-1, IS 4551 kg
 ii) Insoluble residue, % by MassIS 40321 kg
 iii) Magensia, % by massIS 40321 kg
 iv) Sulphuric Anhydride ( SO3 ),% by MassIS 40321 kg
 v) Loss on Ignition,% by MassIS 40321 kg
 vi) Manganese OxideIS 40321 kg
 vi) Chloride content,% by MassIS 40321 kg
 vii) Alkalies, K2O , Na2OIS 40331 kg
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) Chemical Test - Fly Ash IS 3812 Part 1 1 KG
i) Loss on Ignition, % by Mass IS 1727 1 kg
ii) SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3, % by Mass IS 1727 1 kg
iii) Magnesium Oxide (MgO) , % by Mass IS 1727 1 kg
iv) Sulphur Trioxide( SO3 ), % by Mass IS 1727 1 kg
v) Total Chlorides, % by Mass IS 1727 1 kg
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Silica Fume (SF) Chemical Test-Silica Fume IS 15388 1 kg
i) SiO2, % by Mass IS 1727 1 kg
ii) Loss on Ignition, % by Mass IS 1727 1 kg
iii) Moisture content, % by Mass IS 15388 1 kg
ProductTest ParametersSpecification/ Test MethodMin Sample Qty
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)Chemical TestIS 167141 kg
 Calcium Oxide (CaO), % by MassIIS 40321 kg
 Magnesium Oxide ( MgO ), % by MassIS 40321 kg
 (CaO + MgO + 1/3(Al2O3))/(SiO2 + 2/3(Al2O3))IS 40321 kg
 (CaO + MgO + Al2O3/SiO2 )IS 40321 kg
 Sulphate as SO3, % by MassIS 40321 kg
 Manganese Oxide(MnO), % by MassIS 40321 kg
 Insoluble Residue, % by MassIS 40321 kg
 Loss on Ignition, % by MassIS 40321 kg
 Chloride Content, % by MassIS 40321 kg
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Coarse Aggregates Chemical Test IS 383 5 kg
i) Water soluble chlorides, % BS EN 1744 Part -1 5 kg
ii) Water soluble Sulphates, % BS EN 1744 Part -1 5 kg
iii) Alkali Aggregate Reactivity by Chemical Method IS 2386 (Part-7) 5 kg
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
HT Wire Strand Chemical Tests IS 14286 0.2 m
i) Sulphur, % ASTM E 415 0.2 m
ii) Phosphourus, % ASTM E 415 0.2 m
Product Test    Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Structural Steel- Plates, Strips, Angles, Tees, Beams, Channels, Flats, Bars Chemical          Test IS 2062 0.2 m
i) Carbon, C% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
ii) Manganese, Mn% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
iii) Silicon, Si% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
iv) Sulphur, S% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
v) Phosphorus, P% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
vi) Carbon equivalent Value(*), % ASTM E 415 0.2 m
Product Test Parameters Specification/Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Steel Tube Chemical Test IS 1239 0.2 m
i) Carbon, C % ASTM E 415 0.2 m
ii) Sulphur, S% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
iii) Phosphourus, P% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
iv) Manganese, Mn% ASTM E 415 0.2 m
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Sample Description
Concrete Chemical Test
i) pH IS 2720 100
ii) Acid Soluble Chloride, % by Mass BS 1881 P-124 100 g
iii) Water Soluble Sulphate, % by Mass BS 1881 P-124 100 g
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Concrete admixture Concrete Admixture Uniformity Test IS 9103 1 lit
i) Dry Material Content, % IS 9103 1 lit
ii) Ash Content, % IS 9103 1 lit
iii) Relative Density IS 9103 1 lit
iv) Chloride Content, % IS 6925 1 lit
v) pH IS 9103 1 lit
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip, Bar Chemical Tests
i) Carbon, % ASTM E 1086 0.3 m
ii) Sulphur, % ASTM E 1086/td> 0.3 m
iii) Phosphourus, % ASTM E 415 0.3 m
iv) Manganese, Mn % ASTM E 1086 0.3 m
v) Silicon, Si % ASTM E 1086 0.3 m
vi) Chromium, Cr % ASTM E 1086 0.3 m
vii) Nickel, Ni % ASTM E 1086 0.3 m
viii) Manganese, Mn % ASTM E 1086 0.3 m
viii) Molybdenum, Mo % ASTM E 1086 0.3 m
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Fine Aggregates Chemical Test IS 383 2 kg
i) Water soluble chlorides, % BS EN 1744 Part -1 1 kg
ii) Water soluble Sulphates, % BS EN 1744 Part -1 1 kg
iii) Alkali Aggregate Reactivity by Chemical Method IS 2386 (Part-7) 2 kg
iv) Organic Impurities (Only for Natural sand) IS 2386 (Part-2) 2 kg
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen/Sample
Steel Coupler Chemical Test BS 970 Part 3 Coupler
i) Carbon, % ASTM E 415 Coupler
ii) Sulphur, % ASTM E 415 Coupler
iii) Phosphourus, % ASTM E 415 Coupler
iv) Manganese, % ASTM E 415 Coupler
v) Silicon, % ASTM E 415 Coupler
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen & Sample
Construction Water Chemical Test of Construction Water IS 456 1.5 Lit
pH Value IS 3025 (Part 11) 1 Lit
Chloride as Cl, (mg/l) IS 3025 (Part 32) 1 lit
Organic Impurities, (mg/l) IS : 3025 (Part 18) 1 Lit
Inorganic Impurities, (mg/l) IS: 3025 (Part 18) 1 lit
Total suspended solids, (mg/l) IS 3025 (Part 17) 1 lit
ml of 0.02N, NaOH used for 100ml Water(Acidity) IS 3025 (Part 22) 1 lit
ml of 0.02N,H2SO4 used for 100ml Water(Alkalinity) IS 3025 (Part 23) 1 Lit
Sulphates as SO3, (mg/l) IS 3025 (Part 24) 1 lit
Product Test Parameters Specification/ Test Method Min Specimen & Sample
Gypsum Plaster Chemical Test IS 2547 1 kg
i) Loss on Ignition, % by Mass IS 2547 Part 1 1 kg
ii) CaO, % by Mass IS 1288 1 kg
iii) SO3 % by Mass IS 1288 1 kg
iv) Free Lime, % IS 2547 Part 1 1 kg

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